Sunday, 19 July 2009

Jumping for joy, screaming and yelling my head off in absolute ecstacy!!

I have equalled the number of followers who currently devote themselves to one master PC Plod!! That's right, i'm not crying, nor do i feel really rather painfully inadequate in comparison to he, heck no! I feel, empowered and awesome! Thank you Miss H. R. L of T!! you've made my day!
Cazzzziiiiiiii!!! Town was amazing!! It was so good to just catch up with you and have a lovely girly natter about not a lot! ZESTY BLOKE!!


Peace and love
p.s I dunno what the big band people are actually really doing in Spain but here's to hoping it all goes swimmingly!
p.p.s bought an album by Jeff Buckley today. He made beautiful music and he was taken from this world too early.


  1. You are in contest with PC Plod? It is...understandable. Who wouldn't want to challenge the most mental Blog?

  2. I just want to be most popular...:) and spread my message of peace...and love :S

  3. Ok. Maybe I could challenge the Plod? I will try to win.
