I was dragged from deep slumber with news of a venture to Godalming. So clad in the first clothes to hand, grabbing the biggest bag I could find and scraping a brish through my tangleds mop I prepared for an excursion into the outside world. I chomped on weetabix then brushed my teeth before making one final loo trip before we headed for the car.
In Godalming...
I bought, "Shopaholic and Sister" which I have to read before I can read, "Shopaholic and Baby"!! I have the complete series now, *smug*
My love for monkeys verges on an obsession when it comes to the teeny ty ones that came out a little while ago. I've searched many toy shops and have failed to find them ins tock so i have been forced to search high and low, near and far, in every charity shop and car boot sale I can find for such creatures. I bought another one today taking my total to 13!! He cost 49p and I'm really rather pleased with him! Whilst some of my other monkeys have rather pudgey hands, this one has really well defined thumbs so it sort of looks as though he's also doing the thumbs up thing...so I called him Happy.
*this entire entry makes me sound really quite sad, doesn't it?*
Anyways, I've had a good day and guess what? Minky turned 8 yesterday!! :D
Peace and love
p.s I can't believe I've had no comments on yesterday's post...*shocked and appalled*
p.p.s Above is a pic of Minky with some of her Monkey pals...these are the ones I collect because they're gorgeous :D
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