Tuesday, 3 August 2010



well-pleased with that!!

...doubt charles dickens ever said THAT xD

I still haven't been likened to a girl!!!

Tommy! I'm still mad at you for saying that yesterday!! It is so NOT just girls that that would work on and i will prove it today, i will have my vengeance xD

ooooh, just got some wax strips...gonna try waxing my legs later :/ lil bit scared. summer, how was it when you did it?

yeterday with madams elin and caz was great xD

hmmmmmmm, i don't have a whole lot else to say...i feel like i'm forgetting something that might prove to be important. god i hate that feeling. i though i'd left something at tommy's but i've checked and double checked my bag so i can't have done.

omgosh, you know yesterday's first pic was my bottom? *to show the bruise!!!* i told my mum afterwards and she was literally like, "ass-face, ass-face...in your FACE!!!" in the strangest voice.

seriously, my mum said that xD i was crying with laughter :P i love my mum!!

I really want to watch Napoleon Dynamite again...

Peace and love

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