Thursday, 30 June 2011



and also, my leggings are NOT see through from behind unless you really stare. So bugger the hell off you prattish wanker.

A Thirty-something *i kid you not* guy said to me 'word of warning, your leggings are see-through from behind'

I was totally dumbfounded I just sorta stopped and stared , trying to comprehend how insulted I felt when He turned around and said, 'not being pervy, just saying'
oh my goodness.


Smothered myself in sun cream and got to chairs out in the garden, one for my bum, one to rest my feet on, sat to read my book 'love nest' by julia llewellyn *oh slushy girly chic-flicks, how I've missed you!!!* and THEN the sun chose to hide away. AAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH

My book is pretty good though, with exams and revision and life getting in the way of living I've been too busy to really read and enjoy a book for a while so this is nice, just chilling in pyjamas with an easy read. I haven't read anything by this author before but she's best selling and it's a safe genre. I'm about halfway through and very into it atm.
One character Nick Crex is a butthead...his method of breaking up with girls is to stop taking their calls and replying to their texts, basically ignoring them all the time...until they get the message....nice.
I feel really bad for Grace, everyone's kinda treated her like crap her whole life and now she's 34 and hasn't relaly got anything to call her own...but some guy's asked her ouit to dinner :)
Gemma's sister Bridget is going to be an egg donor so that Gemma can have a baby with her husband Alex....

anyway, I can hear you falling asleep so i'll stop...I should probably go put some clothes on, brush my hair....and teeth...I've been up for like 5 hours and I'm not awake yet O.o

Summer, can't wait for sleepover, i love you so much :D

Peace and love
p.s likey the new background? :P

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