Tuesday 11 October 2011

Oh Glorious Weekend


I'm so glad to be living my life sometimes...it really is quite awesome when I don't over-analyse, worry and go and ruin it.

My party went better than I could ever really have dreamed, right up until it began, I'd convinced myself that everything would go wrong but i hope I'm right in saying that everybody had a brilliant night :) Thank you xxx

Okay, for some reason, this song holds some kind of resonance with me and i can't quite get over how much love i have for it right now but anyways...i shall stop rambling and start sharing so that you can make your own mind up about it, eh?

Hope you like it :P

Currently * well not literally currently but around about this time... * doctoring a pair of jeans...the plan was to mash up a t-shirt but i couldn't find the one i wanted to change :s it's just a big ol' white one which i never wear so i though there'd be no missing it if i cocked up big time...

argh, fecking halifax. anyone who's read this for a while knows that i've had a difficult relationship with them but i'm really bugged now....:@ my card's just noy working...there's money on it and the pin's fine...so anyways, they're sending me a new one....soon...i hope.

anyways, The One Show beckons...oh the life i live...wouldn't have it any other way

Peace and love

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